Revolutionizing NDE and Quality Control certification worldwide.

Discover the innovative certification process of the ASME ANDE-1 standard, ensuring reliability and confidence in the industry.

The Problem

Human performance issues and lack of standardization in personnel qualification and certification

Decades of data

Over 40 years of round robin studies and industry evens have highlighted problems.

Decentralized Certification

Many employer self-certification programs have weaknesses.

Lack of Standardization

Training, experiences, and written and practical examinations are not standardized across industry.

Time Based

Current “TIME” based processes are not aligned with industry best practices.

The Solution

ANDE-1 with Systematic Approach to Training (SAT)

Systematic Approach to Training (SAT)

  • Proven and reliable industry best practice
  • Demonstrated reliable results for over 75 years
  • Used in the military and industry

ASME ANDE-1 Standard

  • First-of-a-kind performance based national standard, not time based.
  • Offers a standardized evaluation process by integrating the BOK, JTA, and Qual Cards
  • First NDE/QC PQ&C standard to apply the above

Our Partners

20th World Conference on Non-Destructive Testing

Come see us and our partners!